- Weaves healing webs that mend tissue damaged in battle.
- Can also use her webbing to entangle invasive microbes, disabling them, or to seal off avenues of escape.
- Highly agile, able to glide through the atmosphere.

Sutura Profile
Can a single being mend the countless wounds inflicted by the Biowars? Not even close, but that won’t stop Sutura from trying. A healing fibroblast cell, she has seen the worst the Universe has to offer. No matter how extensive the damage, she believes it can be repaired, and she does it while risking her own skin in the midst of battle.
If only wounded hearts could be healed as easily as damaged tissue. Like Sensurian, Sutura has been drawn to Blastor since the two met amid the aftermath of a vicious battle. He’d been hurt, and she’d been there to heal his injuries. There’d been an instant connection between them. But she quickly realized that while she could find comfort in her dreams of a peaceful BIOCOSMOS, Blastor has no such refuge. There is something dark and untouchable in his soul, something that she knows can’t be fixed with gentle hands or fibrous webs.
In battle, Sutura is a welcome sight to beleaguered B-Cells and macrophages alike, both for her restorative abilities and because she can use her webs to entangle enemy invaders or block their escape routes — a skill that has earned her the nickname of “Gentle Warrior.”